February 21, 2024 -- Deonn Scott Show and Tell


February Deonn Scoot Show and Tell


New Members 

Sandy Lai with Lorri, Annette, Edith, and ?

January, February Birthdays


Announcement of the Spring Retreat by Wanda 
which will be on Marth 9th from 9:30-2:30

Upcoming Service Day  by Sarah
on Feb 27th at Stitching Hearts;
And Annual Service Day 
March 20th 
Provo Health Center 
151 South University Ave,
Room 2600

Machalle's challenge for this year.
Paper Pieced 

Machelle said this design is from wombatquilts.com by Sharon Holland (but I couldn't find it) 

Karin presenting the National Quilter Emily Taylor on April 16 (contact Karin if want to come)

Lana talked about the UVQG Fall retreat coming in November 2024.  
Price increase this year:  
One person per room:  $780
Two persons per room: $540
Three persons per room:  $470
Four persons per room:  $430
Early Registration will be March 20th at Service day


Audrey with Utah Valley Quilt Guild
with a block challenge, $3 to buy a piece of fabric, make a 9 1/2 block and turn it back into Audrey

Show and Tell

Cathy Brand showed a red, white and blue flying geese basket.

Cathy also showed a Stash and Dash bag from a pattern by Annie.

Cathy then showed a quilt of her own design. It was a Valentine's wall hanging made for her hubby.

Sandy Lai also showed a Stash and dash pouch. 

Then another pouch from a Hemingway pattern.

Tricia Tolton showed Kaffe Faucett and Friends. She has had these fabrics for a long time and finally got around to making the quilt.

Jean McPherron showed Medley of Chrysanthemums and a Hunter Star quilt. Both quilts were started at quilt retreats and are now finished. These quilts show her love of bright colors and fun patterns.

Kathy Porter showed A-Mazing. Gray and black maze quilt.

Kathy then showed Chain Reaction made with 2 1/5-inch batik strips.

Maxine Caudill showed a red, pink and black Valentine’s quilt.

Maxine then showed an improv quilt made with black and white with jewel tone bright colors.

Nancy Palmer showed her Teton National Park quilt.

April Munoz showed Addicted to Color. This was a heart quilt made for her Mom’s 80th birthday.

"X-Quilt" also by April

Linda Stanford showed Zen-dy. The pattern is Emily Bailey’s Zen Garden. The fabrics are from her friend Wendy, so the quilt is named Zen-dy.

Debbie Proctor showed Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. The quilt was made for Stitching Hearts Worldwide. She adjusted the pattern to make it easier and make it a twin size. Extra quilt kits are available for a donation to Stitching Hearts Worldwide. (notice the houses in the quilting)

Barb Murdock showed a pink quilt made for her grandson's new wife.

Barb then showed a quilt made with browns and greens.  This is the first quilt she quilted.

 Deonn Scoot Show and Tell

Made by Great Grandmother (edited to be a little darker so the embroidery shows up better)

One of those silky quilts that we all did back then.  This one was hand quilted.
(back side of quilt)

Log Cabin found in Mom's drawer.

Windsy's cottage for her three daughters, tied by her daughters.
(Her daughters spent a lot of time in her sewing room, it was an equalizer for them.)

This one shows 5 different ways to piece, applique and piece odd shaped blocks.

Challenge fabric

Hearts and Tick-tac-toe

Bird with tiny binding (won awards even with machine binding)

Deonn discussed binding and different tricks she uses.  She wrote a book which was available at the meeting.

Prairie point boarder

Curved circle

No binding, envelope method then  quilted.

Facing binding

Facing binding folded to back with prairie points.

Chenille, even on the binding.  Two layers of bias sewn down.

Faux binding.  Black with a red accent.

Scrappy binding or binding made to accent the quilt.

Somehow she clips the inter corner and sews a straight line.  Guess we need to buy the book.

Not 90 degree angles like corners on a quilt. 

In and out binding.

Prairie points for an outline of project, curved corners and just a little curve to accentuate the corner.

UVQG January 15, 2025 -- Kim McCloskey Trunk Show

Kim McCloskey's Trunk show today.        Welcome to the New Year by our new President, Michelle Preston. Fun to see friends and familiar...